The fear factor C1
Extract one
ɪkˈstrækt wʌn
You will hear part of an interview with an expert on phobias.
ju wi:l hɪə pɑ:t əv ən ˈɪntəvjuː wɪð ən ˈekspɜːt ˈɒn ˈfəʊbɪəz
Expert: Well,
nearly everyone fears something,
but when the fear becomes exaggerated and irrational,
it’s a phobia,
which is the most common form of anxiety disorder.
| wel |
ˈnɪəli ˈevrɪwʌn fɪəz ˈsʌmθɪŋ |
bət wen ðə fɪə bɪˈkʌmz ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪtɪd ənd ɪˈræʃn̩əl |
ˈɪts ə ˈfəʊbɪə |
wɪtʃ ɪz ðə məʊst ˈkɒmən ˈfɔːm əv æŋˈzaɪəti dɪsˈɔːdə |
There are many types of what are known as specific or simple phobias.
| ðər ə ˌ meni taɪps əv wɒt ə nəʊn əz spəˈsɪfɪk ɔː ˌsɪmpl ˈfəʊbɪəz |
Common phobias include a fear of animals,
particularly spiders,
a fear of darkness or nyctophobia,
or perhaps a fear of clowns,
flying or a fear of public speaking.
| ˈkɒmən ˈfəʊbɪəz ɪnˈkluːd ə fɪər əv ˈænɪml̩z |
pəˈtɪkjʊləli ˈspaɪdəz |
ə fɪər əv ˈdɑːknəs ɔː nIktəfəʊbɪə |
ɔː pəˈhæps ə fɪər əv klaʊnz |
ˈflaɪɪŋ ɔːr ə fɪər əv ˌpʌblɪk ˈspiːkɪŋ |
you may not be keen on some of these things I’ve just mentioned,
but most of us find a way to cope with the situation and don’t let it interfere
with our daily lives.
| naʊ |
ju meɪ nɒt bi kiːn ˈɒn səm əv ðiːz ˈθɪŋz aɪv dʒəst ˈmenʃn̩d |
bət məʊst əv əz faɪnd ə ˈweɪ tu kəʊp wɪð ðə ˌsɪtʃʊˈeɪʃn̩ ənd dəʊnt ˈlet ˈɪt ˌɪntəˈfɪə
wɪð ˈaʊə ˈdeɪli laɪvz |
if you have a phobia of one of these things,
you may suffer from symptoms such as an increased heart rate,
excessive sweating or even a panic attack.
| haʊˈevə |
ɪf ju həv ə ˈfəʊbɪər əv wʌn əv ðiːz ˈθɪŋz |
ju meɪ ˈsʌfə frəm ˈsɪmptəmz sʌtʃ əz ən ɪnˈkriːst ˈhɑ:t reɪt |
ˈdɪzɪnəs |
ɪkˈsesɪv ˈswetɪŋ ɔːr ivn ə ˈpænɪk əˈtæk |
You might end up going to extreme lengths
to change your daily life
so as not to come into contact
with the thing or situation that causes your phobia.
| ju ˈmaɪt end ˈʌp ˌgəʊɪŋ tu ɪkˈstriːm leŋθs
tu tʃeɪndʒ jə ˈdeɪli ˈlaɪfe
ˈsəʊ əz nɒt tu ˈkʌm ˈɪntə ˈkɒntækt
wɪð ðə ˈθɪŋ ɔː ˌsɪtʃʊˈeɪʃn̩ ðæt ˈkɔːzɪz jə ˈfəʊbɪə |
For example,
imagine a friend of yours has a pet tarantula.
If you’re not a huge fan of spiders
you may not enjoy spending time in his house,
but most of us would put up with it.
| fər ɪɡˈzɑːmpl̩ |
ɪˈmædʒɪn ə ˈfrend əv jɔːz ˈhæz ə pet təˈræntjʊlə |
ɪf jə nɒt ə hjuːdʒ ˈfæn əv ˈspaɪdəz
ju meɪ nɒt ɪnˈdʒɔɪ ˈspendɪŋ ˈtaɪm ɪn ɪz ˈhaʊs |
bət məʊst əv əz wʊd ˈpʊt ˈʌp wɪð ˈɪt |
if you are an arachnophobia sufferer,
you would probably refuse to visit him at home altogether.
So you can see
how phobias can have a real impact on our social relationships.
| haʊˈevə |
ɪf ju ər ən əˌræknəˈfəʊbiə ˈsʌfərə |
ju wʊd ˈprɒbəbli ˈrefju:s tu ˈvɪzɪt ɪm ət həʊm ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə |
ˈsəʊ ju kən ˈsi:
ˌhaʊ ˈfəʊbɪəz kən həv ə rɪəl ɪmˈpækt ˈɒn ˈaʊə ˈsəʊʃl rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪps |
Interviewer: And why do people suffer from phobias?
Expert: Well, there are a couple of causes.
If a child grows up with a parent who suffers from a phobia,
the child is far more likely to develop the same irrational fear.
Also, many phobias are actually triggered by a traumatic past event, often during childhood.
So, perhaps an encounter with a vicious dog or falling into a swimming pool
and nearly drowning as a child could feasibly develop into cynophobia,
a fear of dogs, or aquaphobia, a fear of water.
Interviewer: | ənd waɪ du: ˈpiːpl̩ ˈsʌfə frəm ˈfəʊbɪəz |
Expert: | wel ðər ər ə ˈkʌpl̩ əv ˈkɔːzɪz |
ɪf ə tʃaɪld ɡrəʊz ˈʌp wɪð ə ˈpeərənt ˈhuː ˈsʌfəz frəm ə ˈfəʊbɪə |
ðə tʃaɪld z ˈfɑː mɔː ˈlaɪkli tu dɪˈveləp ðə seɪm ɪˈræʃn̩əl fɪə |
ˈɔːlsəʊ ˌmeni ˈfəʊbɪəz ə ˈæktʃuəli ˈtrɪɡəd ˈbaɪ ə trɔːˈmætɪk pɑːst ɪˈvent |
ˈɒfn̩ ˈdjʊərɪŋ ˈtʃaɪldhʊd |
ˈsəʊ pəˈhæps ən ɪnˈkaʊntə wɪð ə ˈvɪʃəs dɒg ɔː ˈfɔːlɪŋ ˈɪntə ə ˈswɪmɪŋ pu:l
ənd ˈnɪəli ˈdraʊnɪŋ əz ə tʃaɪld kəd fi:sibli dɪˈveləp ˈɪntə sInəˈfəʊbɪə |
ə fɪər əv dɒɡz ɔː ˈækwəˈfəʊbɪə ə fɪər əv ˈwɔːtə |